La Plata County Fairgrounds

Master Plan

Welcome to the La Plata Fairgrounds Master Plan project website located in Durango, Colorado. On this website, you’ll find information about the facilities features, design, and timeline. We will also be sharing updates and progress as we move forward with this exciting project. Thank you for your interest in the La Plata Fairgrounds Master Plan, and we look forward to sharing more with you soon!


The goal of the La Plata County Master Plan is to gain information from the community in La Plata County to guide phased improvements to the existing Fairgrounds on North Main Avenue. The County plans to achieve this by:


  1. Conducting a robust public process to hear from the community
  2. Use community priorities and input from public process to develop a Master Plan design for the Fairgrounds
  3. Complete a Master Plan design for the Fairgrounds in 2024. This will provide a phased and prioritized approach derived from community input with the end goal to begin implementation as soon as 2025.

Project Timeline

Fair Board Meeting – 7 PM – La Plata Fairgrounds

July 18, 2024

Public Meeting #1 Project Intro and Overview @ La Plata Fairgrounds

August 1, 2024

Design Charette Meeting

August 22, 2024

Everyone in the same room to work out a design. This is planned to be a four hour meeting.

Design Team

Reynolds Ash and Associates Architecture
DHM Design
PST Engineering
M E and E Engineering

Help us improve our fairgrounds by taking this short survey!

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